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Visitors 125
Modified 27-Jan-14
Created 10-Apr-09
82 photos

Bickham-Dickson Park is located in Shreveport, LA., and is located close to the Red River -- the river that flows through the city. The central focus of the park is a relatively large lake. Because of the water it attracts a rather diverse assortment of birds. All of the pcituers in this collection were taken at Bickham-Dickson Park. Enjoy!
"A Crawfish Boil in the Making" -- Yellow Crowned Night Heron"Morning Stretch" _ Great Blue Heron"Singing for a Mate" - Eastern King Bird"Still Singing for a Mate" - Eastern King Bird"The View Is Great!" - White Egret"Woody" - The Red-Headed Woodpecker"On The Look-Out" -- Mississippi Kite"Looking For Lunch" -- MIssissippi KiteMississippi KiteMississippi KiteYellow-Crowned Night Heron

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Guestbook for Bickham-Dickson Park, Shreveport, LA
David Nixon(non-registered)
Thank you for putting together this folio of Bickham-Dickson Park birds. My wife and I love to go there and enjoy the surprising diversity of birds in this small park. It's gratifying to see that a talented photographer has gone to the effort to bring these images to many people who may have no idea of the natural treasure just a couple of miles from our homes. Thanks.
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