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Visitors 50
Modified 22-Jul-24
Created 30-Sep-15
26 photos

Jaguar viewing is a relatively new phenomenon -- no more than tens years or so -- and especially so in the Pantanal region of Brazil. The vast majority of Jaguar "hunting" is done by small river boats that cruise up and down the very vast a extensive river systems in the Pantanal. Like try to find any other rather elusive wild animal, it is all about timing -- will one just suddenly appear? When you go around a river bend will there be one just "waiting" for us on the sand bar or river bank? Will we be able to get a "clear" photo of it? Well, we had a lot of luck on our side! We saw multiple Jaguars everyday that we were there with the exception of our last day on the river. (It rained so hard that day we decided to call it "quits" shortly after lunch.) I hope you enjoy the following photos of the various incredible beasts that we were extremely fortunate to see and photograph.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Big Cats
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Big Cats, Brazil, Jaguars, Pantanal